Bittersweet. But not the good, chocolate kind. I am talking about the corny and cliché feeling that one hears about from films and books that a character experiences when they are beginning something new. That old feeling of happiness for what is to come, but sadness at what you are leaving behind. It is a little silly and juvenile, but that is exactly how I am feeling right now. I cannot wait to go back to the United States, I miss my friends, my family, my school, my native language, my church- but tonight as I choked back tears while looking into Ana’s eyes and said goodbye for what might be forever- I was sad. Today as I wandered by myself through the streets of Granada I felt as though I was in a daze. There are so many emotions that I am feeling right now that I could not possibly explain them all to you. Granada has become home, but at the same time I know that I am returning home, que extraño.
Hello, by the way! I think that this will be my last blog post from Spain (definitely from Granada), but who knows what will happen while we have our super long layover in Madrid. Seville was amazing last weekend. We saw the castle where they filmed one of the new Star Wars films- so amazing- and the famous Giralda tower of the cathedral. We also learned about this cool saying that they have in Seville which is as numerous in Seville as the Granadas (pomegranates) are here in Granada, “NO8DO.” Wikipedia explains it a lot better than I think that I could:
-The motto is a rebus, combining the Spanish syllables (NO and DO) and a drawing in between–the figure "8". The figure represents a skein of yarn, or in Spanish, a "madeja". When read aloud, "No madeja do" sounds like "No me ha dejado", which means "It [Seville] has not abandoned me."-
It was a beautiful city and I would love to go back to visit it again. Also, there is a Starbucks on every corner. Weird.
This past week, as you saw from my last post, was finals week. I feel like I did ok on all of my exams as I generally new everything that I needed to on the tests. I’m sorry that I cannot really update you anymore, but I’m so tired and I have to get up in three hours. Ew.
PS I will see you all soon, I’m so excited!
PPS I love you!
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