Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Walk down the Street

She sat perched on the stool with her legs stretched out in front of her, leaning back slightly. As I approached she turned her head, smiled, and lazily nodded. The women to whom she was speaking smiled widely as they recognized me and warmly called, "Hola Lucía!" I returned the greeting as I passed by them and soon found another greeting from the man who works at the store just next door. This time, however, it was just a grin and my name, "Luciiiiiiiiaaaaaa!" as though he had been waiting for me to walk by and was so joyful when I finally did. I will miss that. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Quotes and Silly Snippets

"Para que buscas?"
"What are you looking for?" 
<<holds up rear view mirror>> 

You're a little fat but very agile!
Estas gordita pero muy ágil.
-David, the Augustinians' driver about me. 

 ¡Esa chata sabe bailar!
That shorty can dance!
-Said about me. 

Si, has bajado el peso. Estabas gordita antes. 
Yeah, you've lost weight. You were a little fat before. 
-Said about me. 

¡Mira! La miss sabe bailar.
Look! The miss knows how to dance.
-My students about me.