You think you know the sky, something that you see every single night of your life but until you are able to witness it in its immensity, you have not known it. There is a vastness and unparalleled holiness in the nonpolluted night sky. I first learned this during nights out on the water with my father. Thankfully, this sensation is easily replicated just outside of Chulucanas. Last week we went to El Cincuenta, a little town just outside of the city and famous for its Chifles con Carne Seca (all you need to know is that they're delicious!). On the ride home, I rode on the back of the moto and had a spiritual experience marveling at the stars. The best part about these stars is that the constellations are different in the Southern hemisphere.
Random picture of me with one of my English classes at the CEO |
My wonder of nature was further piqued this past Monday with an amazing trip to Canchaque.
The Plaza |
Tucked away high up in the mountains and a 2 hour bus ride from Chulu, I think that this tiny town is my favorite place in Peru thus far. Luckily for us, our friend Hector lived there for 5 years and offerred to be our guide. The man had so much that he wanted to show us and only a day to do it which meant that we were running all over the city, attempting to take it all in. Highlights of this speedy tour include an uphill hike (and I mean UPHILL, so steep that my calves were burning) to a waterfall, finally finding homemade Peruvian yarn, watching a Peruvian procession complete with frightening masks, and making our Peruvian friends take a group jumping picture with us.
This week and next Britt and I are on vacation. We've thus far spent our time working out, running, and playing soccer with friends. We both agreed that besides the absence of tree climbing and swimming pools, this feels like our childhood summer vacations.
May the wonders of immensity never cease to amaze you and might you always pay them the homage they're due.
Love you!